Welcome to my virtual workshop - a place to share ideas, tips & inspiration for scrapbooking and other fun projects.
Some of the links on this site are “affiliate links.”
If you click on these links and make a purchase, I may receive an affiliate commission (Thank you!) Regardless of affiliations, I only recommend products or services I believe will add value to my readers.
Looking for my old blog filled with ideas & inspiration? Click here.

Why Forever?
So many people are struggling with their photos!
They need help with:
Organizing, storing, printing & sharing their digital images
Rescuing memories trapped in VCR tapes & other antiquated forms of media & digitizing them so they can be enjoyed.
Safe & permanent online storage for digital media
Forever offers wonderful solutions for these problems and more. Becoming an Ambassador gives you the opportunity to earn commission on your own orders while helping others preserve their memories.

When you join Team Sunflower, here are just a few ways I'll help you with your Forever business:
Support including emails, FB posts, and encouragement, tailored to help YOU get what you want as an Ambassador
Recognition and celebrations
Help with reaching customers on social media and/or in person
I will respect you and the way you want to run your business
You'll receive help and support from the team I joined - it's 5 levels deep and very rich in resources.
For Local Ambassadors:
I can help by offering an affordable location for your events at Sunflower Studio
When you join my team, I can help you use the internet & social media to maximize your CM sales and also help with other affiliate programs and related business opportunities, if that's something you're interested in.