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The Paper Angels create cards and other items to support various ministries at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church in Livonia and also for people in our community.
We can always use more helping hands and would be happy to put your donated supplies to good use. If you’d like to join us or want more info, please click here to email Lisa Graham
A few years ago, I was asked if our scrapbooking group could make cards to support the existing card ministry at St. Michael's. I was not much of a card maker at the time, but was very eager to support such a beautiful ministry, so I took a leap of faith. I said yes & told myself I'd figure out the details along the way. Not only did we figure out how to make cards for the ministry, but we've also made wonderful friendships and found many blessings since the start of our ministry in 2012. There are about 45 - 50 families that have funerals at our church each year, and the card ministry sends out 5 cards per year to each of those families offering sympathy, support & prayers. It's not easy finding stamps or other items to use while creating these types of cards so the Paper Angels combine designs created in Artisan with craft items & tools to create our cards. We've since been asked to make cards for baptisms, marriages, the homebound,and those in need of cheer. We're always happy to have helping hands! We usually meet on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 until noon at Sunflower Studio in Livonia. Please click here to email Lisa Graham for more information.